LISTEN NOW! In this moment of Wisdom Proverbs 29:7 “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern” they continue to discuss the importance of taking care of the poor amongst us. Knowledge is on the increase however as knowledge increases we have a great need for wisdom which is the proper application of knowledge. Today in our present culture, no one has righteous care for the poor, in fact, they don’t even think about the poor. The Bible tells us that he who lends to the poor lends to God. Today only 3% of church even honors God with tithes, if we are not honoring God for sure we are not honoring the poor. God is about justice. How we feel about justice says a lot about who we are as a people. Having no compassion for the poor is simply wicked. Compassion is not just feeling bad it involves feeling bad and doing something about what we feel so bad about. When we see injustices we should pray and do something about it. When we are moved with compassion we will see to it that people get the care they need. We will build hospitals, hire doctors and treat those right who are poor among us. We must move immediately to help because if we wait we will only help people because in the end we are just trying to save ourselves. You become concerned about injustice when it is happening to you.
LISTEN NOW! In this moment of Wisdom Proverbs 29:7 “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern” they continue to discuss the importance of taking care of the poor amongst us. Knowledge is on the increase however as knowledge increases we have a great need for wisdom which is the proper application of knowledge. Today in our present culture, no one has righteous care for the poor, in fact, they don’t even think about the poor. The Bible tells us that he who lends to the poor lends to God. Today only 3% of church even honors God with tithes, if we are not honoring God for sure we are not honoring the poor. God is about justice. How we feel about justice says a lot about who we are as a people. Having no compassion for the poor is simply wicked. Compassion is not just feeling bad it involves feeling bad and doing something about what we feel so bad about. When we see injustices we should pray and do something about it. When we are moved with compassion we will see to it that people get the care they need. We will build hospitals, hire doctors and treat those right who are poor among us. We must move immediately to help because if we wait we will only help people because in the end we are just trying to save ourselves. You become concerned about injustice when it is happening to you.
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Tags: empathy, compassion, righteousness, justice