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Home » US Considers Giving Up Internet Oversight

US Considers Giving Up Internet Oversight

LISTEN NOW!  John, Greg, and Pat discuss how the United States is considering ceding internet oversight to other countries and possibly the United Nations.  They continue to explore what would happen if countries and China were to take oversight of the Internet.  At the present moment China censors the internet in their own country.  They further discuss how the United Nations does not have a bill of rights that protects individuals.   CBN reports that “In the late 1990s, the Commerce Department formed a nonprofit agency called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, which governs the system that assigns website addresses and directs Internet traffic.  “We’re talking about every email, every search, something on Google, I mean, we’re talking about every transaction,” Sekulow explained.”  If the United States doesn’t have oversight of the Internet then who will China or Russia?   This can lead to a total suppression of free speech.  The idea that Congress is even considering this is actually damning because in reality they should be saying NO, Stop right now.  What we are possibly seeing is the set up for the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation 13:15-18.  They continue to share how there was a time in America were there was such a thing as non- negotiable.  However, it appears everything is negotiable; the present administration has already transferred the Arab league to Russia.  Is the Internet next?  Dear God, end abortion; send Revival. 

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Tags: Constitution, negotiations, deceiving


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