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Home » VFNRadio First Hour April 23, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour April 23, 2014


10 Year Old Boy Does an Incredible thing that Causes Kidnapper to Release Him Unharmed
LISTEN NOW! John, Steve and Pat discuss the incredible thing a ten year old boy in Atlanta, GA did when he was kidnapped.  The young boy, Willie Myrick, was reportedly abducted from his driveway and was then dropped off some three hours later unharmed.  The reason he was dropped off is because he would not stop singing the song “Every Praise” written by Hezekiah Walker.  They continue to express their gratitude to the Lord that the young boy was not harmed as well as encouraged by how this young boy continued to sing in his captivity.  They remind us of the importance of protecting the entrustment God has given us with our children.  Willie could have been singing any song in his heart but instead that bleak day he sang the song in his heart that he had learned in church.  Thank you Lord that we can worship you and be released from anything that threatens to detain, capture and hold us in captivity.
Looking For a Job? Learn the Latest Tech Tools Recruiters Are using for Hiring
 John, Steve, and Pat discuss how today’s recruiters are using technology in unprecedented ways for hiring.  If you are looking for work or know someone who is looking for work you will be very interested in hearing this segment.  John, Steve and Pat continue to share many statistics shared by a recruiter box that gives insight as to how the internet is transforming the way hiring is being done.   They continue to discuss how many people are still having difficulties finding employment and one of the reasons this may be happening is because they are using antiquated methods for their career search.  Today’s job market is not the only thing that has changed; the way applicants and employers interact regarding applying and hiring has also changed as well.  Today 92% of employers are using or planning to use social networks for recruiting this year.    73% of recruiters check their candidates’ social media profile which is not too surprising when one considers that 70% of job seekers use their mobile device when job searching.  They continue to share some tips and strategies for landing a job as well as praying that God would bless Christians with a good job with more money for less hours for more work in the Kingdom of God.
JESUS: Both Sacrifice and the High Priest- Ah-Mazing!
  John, Steve, and Pat discuss how they are so filled with awe regarding Jesus’ life and how and why He did what he did during His earthly ministry.  God the Father had a role for His son, Jesus.  If we look at Jesus’ ministry on earth we may be tempted to think that Jesus had a well thought out plan but they continue to discuss that Jesus did not have his own agenda in fact, His desire was to only do the will of the Father.  The secret to his success if there was a secret was his reverent and submitted life to the Father.  Jesus only   did what he saw and heard his father doing.  The Father’s plan was unfolded as Jesus followed the Father’s instruction, leading, and guidance.  God always had a plan to deal with sin.  In the Old Testament we find that the priest would sacrifice a sin offering but the sacrifice never did away with the sin but instead covered it.  They continued to share what the Bible describes are the credentials of  a high priest in Hebrew 5:1-2 “Every high priest is selected from among the people and is appointed to represent the people in matters related to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.  He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, since he himself is subject to weakness”.  Jesus was called by His Father to be a High Priest however he was not just called to be the High Priest but to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins to do away with them once and for all.  Jesus was not just the payment for sin but He was the only one worthy enough to handle the transaction.  This just didn’t happen Jesus had process in His life.  He learned obedience from what he suffered and once he was made perfect according to verse 8; He became the source of eternal salvation.  Jesus is a perfect example for us all and it would do us good to follow His example.  God heard his prayers because of his reverent and holy submission to the Father.  Many today are trying many things to gain success when in fact success in life is not as elusive as some may suggest when in reality success is simply doing what God wants

 you to do.



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