Israel Stops Talks with Palestinians
LISTEN NOW! John, Steve, and Pat discuss how Israel has stopped their talks with the Palestinians after it has been made known in recent days that Fatah has a unity deal forming a unified government. The area of concern that has caused Israel to suspend U.S. led talks with the hopes for a two state solution was that Palestinians have united with Hamas, alleged militant arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. According to CBN; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesperson said “Following the decision by the Palestinian government to forge an alliance with Hamas, an organization that calls for the destruction of the Jewish state, we have decided to suspend all the negotiations with the Palestinians,” Regev said in a statement.” “They cannot say they are a peace partner if they are embracing the most violent and extreme enemies of peace,” Regev said. Israel has repeatedly been gracious towards the Palestinians even releasing convicted terrorists as a good faith gesture to begin talks. Israel has some very small considerations and one that has been a true non-negotiable mainly that the Palestinians recognize Israel as the Jewish State that it is. This concession has never been able to have been met by the Palestinians. As things lie now Israel has suspended talks, however, they have left the door open should the Palestinians rethink their partnership with Hamas.
Company in China, Alibaba Set to have Bigger IPO than Facebook?
John, Pat, and Steve discuss a company in China, Alibaba that is set to have a bigger IPO than Facebook. According to CNN Money the tech company was not started in Harvard or Mit but instead in an apartment in China by former English teacher Jack Ma. The company was started with $60,000 investment from 18 friends. CNN Money reports that “The Company has since evolved into the dominant force in China’s e-commerce industry, a market with so much potential that Alibaba’s IPO may be the largest ever by a tech company — surpassing even the $16 billion raised by Facebook. They continue to encourage us to believe God for inventions and creative concepts that create jobs and industry for people. They discuss how George Washington Carver asked God to reveal to him the secrets of the universe instead God shared with him the mysteries of the peanut. This unfolding from God to him resulted in the creation of over 300 products many in which we are using today. The next big company may be inside of you the important thing is to remember God and honor Him with what He has blessed you with.
China will be the “Most Christian Nation” by 2030?
John, Steve and Pat discuss how China will be the most Christian nation by 2030 according to CBN and London Sunday Telegraph. “It is going to be less than a generation. Not many people are prepared for this dramatic change,” Fenggang Yang, a leading expert on religion in China, told the newspaper.” They continue to discuss the ramifications of many Christians as well as Yang, professor of sociology at Purdue’s new book, Religion in China: Survival and Revival under Communist Rule. They discuss how committed the church in China is and how they challenge Christians in the west. It has been reported that the underground church alone is close to 130 million believers but by 2030 the church in China is projected to be 247 million strong. They further discuss how many people think that conveniences of living in the west in the United States, nation of laws, would help to further the gospel and in some instances it has but it is said that it hasn’t nearly produced such committed Christians like the believers in China. Christians who professor Yang says have not only survived but have been in Revival under Communist rule. They continue to ask the question what we are doing in the church in the west. Have we been possibly majoring on the minors while not majoring on the majors? It’s time for the church in the west to truly embrace the notion that Jesus alone is enough.
Dead Waters of Men Living Waters of Jesus
Steve, John, and Pat have an encouraging conversation as Steve shares what the Lord shared to him in his abiding time. It is always exciting to see how God reveals deeper understanding into a scripture that we may have already read many times before. The gospel of John shares an encounter that Jesus has with a woman at a well. Jesus was thirsty and asked her for a drink. She focused on Jesus’ the fact that Jesus did not have anything in which to gather water to drink from. Jesus begins a conversation with this woman about who he is while she is still focused on his lack of a cup.
Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life John 4:13-14
They share that both the woman and Jesus were talking about water. The difference is that one of the waters was dead and the other was living. When we taste the living water of Jesus, we will never thirst for the dead waters of men. The water of men puts a fire out while the water of Jesus stokes the fire in us for more of him. The living water of Jesus both fills you and causes you to thirst for more of Jesus. They continue to share that the devil will always seek to deceive with a copy of what is real and true. It may sound the same, it may even look the same but, ultimately, it is the opposite of what Jesus has for you. Religion is dead but Jesus is alive. There are the dead words of men and there are the living words of Jesus Christ. Taste and see that Jesus is alive. Drink from his water and never thirst again for what is dead.