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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour April 14, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour April 14, 2014


Anniversary of the Boston Bombing: Was this the beginning of the Arab Winter?
LISTEN NOW: Greg and Pat discuss the anniversary of the Boston bombing and how it might have been the beginning of the Arab winter.  They discussed that during the catastrophe of 9-11 many did not stop or pause for the tragic event that just unfolded but continued to work business as usual.  Many didn’t know what to do but by listening to the Lord we will get insight.  During the time we were contemplating relocating to Texas when suddenly on April 15, 2013 as they were coming to the finish line two young men, who had been trained up by the “peaceful” Islamic religion detonated a bomb that hurt many people.  They continue to discuss that once our nation was hit you saw the unity among first responders to Congress.   They continue to discuss how Greg had a vision 5 days prior to this bombing of a bombing on a sidewalk.  He saw an explosion that was so loud that even in the vision be began to look for collateral damage.  The day of the bombing was when the shift of America happened.  God continued to unfold His strategy as to what would be taking place in our country in regards to hub states and apostolic centers and with what the Lord revealed that we indeed did not have to move but instead shifted the city and region where we were called to remain.  The future holds times that will try men’s souls. Pat Robertson, of the “700 Club”, interviewed author and expert Robert Spencer who “says that attack marked a resurgence of Islamic jihad on American soil.  When the “Arab Spring” revolutions began in Tunisia and Egypt in 2011, many in the West hailed the uprisings as the beginning of a new era of democracy and pluralism in the Middle East.”  Robert Spencer is the author of the book Arab Winter Comes to America: The truth about the War we’re in.  Robert underscores the importance he shares in his book when he communicates how we can’t defeat an enemy we don’t understand.  In this interview with Pat Robertson they discuss the influence of CAIR on the Obama administration.  They urge us to remain watchful and prayerful as we are approaching the 18 month time period of the four blood moons. 


Prophetic Dream: The Power of the Wind
 Greg and Pat discuss the recent prophetic dream the Lord gave John Ramos regarding some very specific things they have been praying for in particularly being prepared to minster in the next season we will find ourselves in.  John shares how in the dream he saw Greg lying on his back with a harness on.  The harness was for a 15 foot red glider that he was tethered to that was 100 feet in the air.  John shares how he was watching a video of what was known to him from a ministry trip that Greg and Pat were returning from.  He can see in the video that the camera man went back and forth to the look on Greg’s face to what Greg was actually looking at.  John continues to share that in his close to 20 years of knowing Greg he has never seen that look on his face.  The wind was moving powerfully and violently and Greg was holding on tightly and there was nothing that John could visibly see holding Greg to the ground.  Greg’s look was one that expressed that he knew that any moment he was about to be taken up in this wind all the while knowing he had no idea what would happen but he was ready.   Then in the next scene John is an airplane with Greg, Pat and an unidentified man.  Pat and this man were sitting side by side each other and they had parachutes on their backs and were about to jump out of the plane.  Then Pat puts his hand under the man’s thigh and the man does the same thing to Pat.  Pat then tells John this is in Genesis.  John shares how he was not able to make out the chapter and verse Pat told him in the dream so when he awoke he went to the scriptures and read in Genesis 24 just how Pat told him and this was done between Abraham and his servant when Abraham told him to swear that he was find his son Isaac a wife from among his people.
The next scene involved John looking out the window and saw a series of huge snowcapped mountains in the distance.  They were very large and beautiful and as they discussed this dream more they are believing more and more that those mountains represented the 7 mountains in society, family, religion, government, family, education, media, and business. Then he saw Pat soaring and flying like superman straight to the ground as if he was a professional air plane jumper. They were so high up all John was able to see was the greenery of the earth.  They also continue to share how they were apparently having several meetings.  John found himself at a baby doctor’s office waiting room and he happened to see a married couple he knows in the natural who are presently pregnant but in the dream they had a baby in their arms.  Then John walked in back into where they were having meetings.  John walked into the restroom to change before he went in the meeting and Pat called him on the cellphone and told him everything has changed.  In that moment John instantly knew that everything they were doing had suddenly and completely changed and there was no time to change he had to get to the meeting.  When he walked out of the rest room and began walking to the meeting he heard the words you are stepping into a new horizon.  They continue to discuss how they have been praying for God to continue to speak to them as they are preparing for how to minister in this next season of the four blood moons.  The wind of the Spirit is powerful and will carry them through.  They have great expectation for what lies ahead and the sudden change it will come in. 
It’s time to Use what you  Have for God;  Even if it is an Ox’s Goad
 Greg and Pat discuss how it’s time to use what you have; even if what you have in your hand is an ox’s goad.  Greg shares how he was given an Ox goad by a spiritual brother in the Lord, Pastor Jack Hollis.  Jack taught a message about a man named, Shamar, who was under attack and all he had was an ox goad to defend Israel, Judges 3:31.  They continue to ask what are you going to do with what God has put in your hand.  Some say that they would do more if they had more but they caution us to do something less we do nothing.  So many people are wasting their time doing very little or nothing with their time when they can take that same time and use whatever talent they have for God.  The truth is that if you are faithful with a little God will give you more. God will ask you what did you do with what I have entrusted to you?  Whatever God has given you is meant to give away and by giving it away you will get more.  All David had was 5 stones and a slingshot.  If it is from God he will anoint it.
Don’t Despise the Day of Discipline
In this wisdom moment found in Proverbs 3: 11-12 “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” The word despise means to regard with contempt, distaste, disgust, or disdain; scorn; loathe.  They continue the Lord’s discipline and all the many ways His discipline comes but we must remember that the Lord’s discipline is there to help us, to train us in the way we need to go.  Don’t resent it.  If you resent the Lord’s rebuke you will be offended.  We must remember that God disciplines those He loves.   Proverbs 1: 22-23 ““How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?  How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge?  Repent at my rebuke!  Then I will pour out my thoughts to you I will make known to you my teachings.”



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