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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour April 22, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour April 22, 2014


           God is Writing  a Story; When you cooperate with God the Story has a Good Ending- Don’t Give Up
LISTEN NOW! John, Steve and Pat discuss how God is writing a story and how the story ends well when we cooperate with the author of life- God.  They discuss how from a young age we are trained and educated as children for years to get a good job.  Many times people put themselves under a great amount of stress and pressure to figure out their whole life and what their profession is going to be.  God has called us to be human beings not human doings.  One of the best things we can tell someone is that God is writing a story and the part that includes earth has spanned over 6,000 years and he has allowed you to come up on the screen for a very limited time period.  Instead trying to dictate what you are going to do rest fully in God and trusting that He knows what He is doing.  He is working on the development of your character and throughout your life you will have several roles and interact with other figures as well.  Throughout your life you will experience tremendous highs and as well as some extreme lows understanding that they are all “Father Filtered.”  They continue to discuss the life of David and how his story unfolded and what God was able to do with him and through him.  Often times people are tempted to give up and take over God’s pen and write themselves into a story line that was not meant for them or they are inserting themselves before their time.  They encourage us to remember that if we cooperate with the author of life the story ends well.  They also encourage us to live in the moment and be content to doing what is before us at any given time totally living in the moment entrusting ourselves to God.  Remember no matter how bad it gets there is another scene coming.  Don’t give in or give up.  David remained faithful to God’s script and because he did there was a coronation day awaiting him.  Imagine what awaits you.
      The Tremendous Blessing of Having God’s Wisdom in our Life
John, Steve and Pat discuss the tremendous blessing of having God’s wisdom in our life.  They continue to remind us how many are seeking knowledge and although knowledge has its place it is important for us to have wisdom.  Knowledge alone is information but when Godly wisdom accompanies knowledge then we know how to apply the knowledge we have received.   In this moment of wisdom Proverbs 8 speaks of wisdom as a woman crying out in the streets for the simple to listen.  Proverbs 8:6-11 says “Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right.  My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness.   All the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse.  To the discerning all of them are right; they are upright to those who have found knowledge.   Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, forwisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”   Like Solomon we have a great need for wisdom.  It is important to abide and to seek the Lord for wisdom and allow the word of God to go through you as opposed to you going through the word.  God will reveal himself and his ways to you.  Jesus said in Matthew 11:25 “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.”  They continue to share how so much is shared in the Bible regarding children mainly that we must become like them to inherit the kingdom.  Children just believe and trust God and his wisdom.  Often times the more one knows the more they defend what they know instead of resting on the wisdom of the Lord.  We are tremendously blessed when we follow the wisdom of God. 




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