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Home » Is the Lord About to Return; Rapture, End Times? A Look into Book of Revelation

Is the Lord About to Return; Rapture, End Times? A Look into Book of Revelation

Courtesy of Tyler Olson/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the book of Revelation which is the revelation of Christ.   They discuss that when you look at the book of Revelation of the things you consistently read is what the Spirit says to the church.  The Lord is going to come back at the last trumpet sound.  The secret to survival is not a manual its hearing the voice of the Lord.  The book of Revelation begins with a message to the seven churches.  We must remember that judgment begins first in the house of God.  Those messages are still relevant today.  Since Jesus is the same today about what he felt long ago this message still applies to us.  The first thing that happens is that God deals with the church.  We need to watch as we see areas in which the church will be tempted in.  You left your first love, and hated the false apostles messages that ministered to the church of that day yet are still ministering to us today.   They remind us that judgment begins in the house of God and at the same time no one cries out for judgment.  They don’t cry out for judgment because they don’t have the revelation of Jesus taking on our judgment ; besides they share how it is much better to be judged on this side of eternity rather than the other side when our lives are over and there is no more time to repent.  They further discuss Revelation 5 where there was no one who was worthy to open the scroll and break the seals; the one who was worthy enough to redeem the earth is Jesus.    They encourage us to study and read the book of Revelation as there is a blessing for those who do.  We are so close, the adversary is cranking things up and Jesus is coming back for his bride the church.  The one who rides on the white horse is coming at the appointed time.  It’s your job to be ready for when He comes. 


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Tags: judgment, rapture


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