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Home » Is Pope Francis Saying take down this wall in Israel Like telling A Police Officer to Take Off your Bullet Proof Vest?

Is Pope Francis Saying take down this wall in Israel Like telling A Police Officer to Take Off your Bullet Proof Vest?

screen capture from youtube.com/IsraeliPM
LISTEN NOW!  Greg, John, and Pat talk about a recent meeting that Israel’s Prime Minister and Pope Francis had while discussing the placement of Israel’s wall. The wall separates those who are for freedom and safety and those who are against it. Not having a wall of safety in Israel is like a police officer not wearing a bullet proof vest. They continue to share the happenings of Jews in Ukraine and Brussels and how they are under constant stress and attack. Find out how we must respond to Israel and so much more. Also shared in this segment:  Benjamin Netanyahu, Pope Francis, United Nations, and a 3rd Great Awakening.



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