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Jesus is Not Taking Applications; He is Taking Commitments


Courtesy of Galushko Sergey/Shutterstock.com

 LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve discuss the importance of making commitments to Jesus.  John discusses how he was driving down the street and noticed a billboard which proudly displayed a Marine with the caption which read “We don’t take applications, we take commitments.”  They continued to discuss how the Marines have a reputation for being an elite, tough branch of the military and are known for their toughness.   It is an honor to be a part of them for they are just looking for a few good men.   They further discuss how Jesus too is not looking for an application but he is looking for commitments.  Today many have bought into a false gospel message that is being preached where Jesus is presented and received as a lucky rabbit’s foot, a good luck charm, as a spiritual atm but not as Lord.  We are living in unprecedented times where now more than any other time there is so much available in terms of Christian helps such as books, videos and downloadable sermons yet it has not produced the depth and commitment one would think a believer should have based upon all that it available to them.  George Barana, of Barna Group shares that 81 % of the church doesn’t even read their Bible.  False converts are produced when false gospel messages are shared.  We come to God not for what He can do for us but because He is simply God.  The only reason we are alive today is to walk in united fellowship with Him.  Jesus didn’t come to give our lives an upgrade.  He came to save our lives from the pit of hell and to save us to himself.   Jesus is not looking for those who are happy to hang around the cross he is looking for ones who are willing to get on the cross. 

.       Jesus is Not Taking Applications; He is Taking Commitments LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve discuss the importance of making commitments to Jesus.  John discusses how he was driving down the street and noticed a billboard which proudly displayed a Marine with the caption which read “We don’t take applications, we take commitments.”  They continued to discuss how the Marines have a reputation for being an elite, tough branch of the military and are known for their toughness.   It is an honor to be a part of them for they are just looking for a few good men.   They further discuss how Jesus too is not looking for an application but he is looking for commitments.  Today many have bought into a false gospel message that is being preached where Jesus is presented and received as a lucky rabbit’s foot, a good luck charm, as a spiritual atm but not as Lord.  We are living in unprecedented times where now more than any other time there is so much available in terms of Christian helps such as books, videos and downloadable sermons yet it has not produced the depth and commitment one would think a believer should have based upon all that it available to them.  George Barana, of Barna Group shares that 81 % of the church doesn’t even read their Bible.  False converts are produced when false gospel messages are shared.  We come to God not for what He can do for us but because He is simply God.  The only reason we are alive today is to walk in united fellowship with Him.  Jesus didn’t come to give our lives an upgrade.  He came to save our lives from the pit of hell and to save us to himself.   Jesus is not looking for those who are happy to hang around the cross he is looking for ones who are willing to get on the cross.


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