Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » VFNRadio First Hour May 20, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour May 20, 2014



VANITY! Your Gift Becomes Meaningless when it’s not Used for God
Greg, John, and Pat have a conversation about the beauty that is seen in the world; the priceless art, an architectural building, the grace of a dance, the melody of a well written song. People devote their lives to the perfection of their gift. Solomon was the richest man in the world and he had it all. At the end of his life, he summed it all up in one word: meaningless. Don’t get caught up in your gift, or the gift of others. Get caught up in God. Find out if you’re worshipping a gift or if you’re worshipping the God who gave that gift, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Van Gogh, Michelangelo, Mona Lisa, and T.D. Jakes,
Standing in the Gap between the Living and the Dead
Greg, Pat, and John have an encouraging conversation giving us an accurate perspective of how to respond in a catastrophic event.  God is not looking for someone to judge the people; He’s looking for someone to stand in the gap, to pray and intercede for the people, so He doesn’t have to destroy the people. Will you be the one who criticizes the ones that God loves, or will you be the one that God is looking for who will pray and stand in the gap for them? Find out more and how you can be the one that God is searching for. Also shared in this segment: leprosy, organizing, plagues, wild fires, and Bill Weise.


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