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Home » Does God Allow Pestilence, Drought And Plagues To Come Against A Nation?

Does God Allow Pestilence, Drought And Plagues To Come Against A Nation?

 Shutterstock.com/James Marvin Phelps

LISTEN NOW!  Greg, John, and Pat discuss the happening of the thousands of illegal immigrants coming across the borders of the United States presenting a great opportunity to minister. There is reported concern about the illnesses of some of those coming across the borders. With plagues and diseases being transmitted and started with just one infected individual what does thousands mean to the U.S.A.?  With these truths there is evident concern. What does the Bible say about coming pestilences, plagues, and storms? Find out what the possible intentions may be for these events, and how the church is to respond during these moments, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Swine Flu, Bubonic Plague, China, repentance, abiding, jobs, drought, and Nineveh.


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