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The Reality of War: There are Still Chess Players Who Want to Rule the World

Courtesy of Sergey Peterman/Shutterstockcom

LISTEN NOW!  Greg, Pat, and John discuss that amidst all the tragedies taking place across the world, each appears to be a strategic move for an ultimate outcome. For some, the attention span is long enough until the next topic. People’s lives are being affected.  Amidst all the constant flow of headlines, what is the underlying narrative? There is a common denominator that can be seen. When we see what is going on, we can have peace in understanding what is happening. Join the conversation and find your peace amidst so much tragedy and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Bowe Bergdahl, Andrew Tahmooressi, President Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, PTSD, Veterans, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, UCMJ.


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