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Home » VFNRadio First Hour June 19, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour June 19, 2014



Man shot in the Chest by Islamic Terrorist because He told them He was a Christian in Kenya

John, Pat, and Steve share about the continuing persecution of the church across the world. Right now tragedies are sweeping across entire villages as gunmen travel from door to door. It is important to keep our gaze across what is happening in the world and to keep a prayer focus. Find out how the body of Christ is being affected and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Nero, China, prayer, and the World Cup. 
HumanTrafficking from Brazil to the United States it’s Damaging Effects and what you can do about it
John, Pat, and Steve continue the conversation regarding the World Cup; that amidst much celebration, there is heartbreak happening behind the scenes. Operation Blessing has released a new documentary film about these events and how you can respond. The presence of sex trafficking is more widespread than many would be aware. Join the conversation as they delve into the journeys of some affected by the industry, how they are making an impact, and what you can do to respond. Also shared in this segment: depression, pimps, malls, slavery, and prayer.
The World ON FIRE: The Welsh Revival and its Lessons for our Time – Rick Joyner
John, Pat, and Steve discuss the encouraging and faith-lifting events that transpired in what was known as the Welsh Revival. Many came to see the events only to be surprised and were in awe of what was happening. Is what happened in The Welsh Revival happening again? How can another revival of God come to our cities? Be encouraged and allow your hunger for a greater move of God to come and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Rick Joyner, Azusa Street Revival, Steve Hill, Asbury College, and children.



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