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Home » WATCH! VFNtv June 25, 2014

WATCH! VFNtv June 25, 2014



How to Stay Encouraged During Dark Times
   Greg, Pat, and John have an encouraging conversation recounting many of the events that played in the Bible, and those that weren’t talked about that also transpired. Empires were rising and falling, people were marrying, having children across the globe, all totally unaware that God was delivering a people out of Egypt. In this present culture, it is easy to be caught up in the 24 hour news cycle. It is so important to hold on to the Biblical view and focus on what God is doing and what He is saying. They continue to share how to step out of the focus of darkness and into the timeline of light in God. Find out how you can make this change and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Moses, Caesar, parliaments, revivals, Billy Graham, Abraham, economy, jobs, houses, and the Garden of Eden. 

“Clear and Present Danger” to United States, Senator Lindsey Graham; “Islamic State of Iraq Syria,” ISIS
   Greg, Pat, and John share about the continual acts of violence and terrorism that is being carried out by the group ISIS in the Middle East. The encouraging note on these events is how United States Senator Lindsey Graham recognizes how this group is a threat to America. We are witnessing a flood of evil that is arising in many parts of the world. Amidst these floods, it is God that lifts up a standard. Evil is present yes, but God is bigger and His glory is going to cover the Earth. Be encouraged and allow your faith to be lifted during these times with hope, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Congressman Jeff Miller, Veterans Affairs, SARS Virus, persecution, Stanford, Yale, Regent University
, Baby Alive Bill, and prayer.


Supreme Court Ruling 9-0, Unanimous:  Search Warrant Needed to Search Your Cell Phone- 4th Amendment Rights Upheld!!!
   Greg, John, and Pat share about the encouraging unanimous Supreme Court decision ruling in favor of the 4
th amendment of the Constitution in relation to cell phones. Originally, cell phones have not been under the same laws as printed papers or hard-lined telephones. When a decision is made to “go green” with one’s utility bills making the transition from paper to electronic, a whole different set of laws apply. They continue to share some creative ideas to implement now that this ruling has been made. Also shared in this segment: Snowden, warrants, Constitutional Rights, Original Intent of America, and The Constitution.




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