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Home » Abolition Summit: Ending Human Tracking and Sex Slavery

Abolition Summit: Ending Human Tracking and Sex Slavery

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LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve share about the upcoming event by Exodus Cry and their 2014 Abolition Summit, in Kansas City August 6-8, 2014. Exodus Cry is a ministry born out of the International House of Prayer-Kansas City MO that was born out of prayer. CEO and Founder of Exodus Cry, Benji Nolot, encourages us, “we must put our feet to our prayers”. Benji shares the staggering realities in his own country how a girl was abducted in front of her home and taken into human trafficking. We must get God’s heart regarding these travesties and begin to move with God’s burden. In today’s culture, it is so easy to get filled with a narcissistic heart that we neglect the compassion of God. Slavery is still real and it IS happening, in America. They encourage us with three ways of how we can respond as well as the upcoming Summit. Find out how together, we can put our feet to our prayers, end human trafficking, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Exodus Cry, IHOP, prayer, Underground Railroad, sex trafficking, 

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