LISTEN NOW! John, Greg, and Pat discuss how an abortionist in Milwaukee has killed 95,000 babies during his 40 year career and how he sees it as a calling. According to Life “Dennis Christensen wants to retire but he has a problem. He told himself when he made plans to retire that he would only do so if he could find another abortion practitioner to take over his business.
They continued to discuss how God hates hands that shed innocent blood…Proverbs 6:17. They further discussed how because of recent laws passed in the state of Wisconsin finding doctors to perform abortions is proving to be quite difficult. This is a horrific reality that has spanned over forty years but now is soon coming to an end as other states across the country have adopted laws that have either restricted abortions or have underscored the rights of babies to be born alive and for their life to be protected in the event a baby survived a botched abortion. The Hippocratic Oath says “I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone” this includes babies as well. They continue to encourage us to pray Dear God, End Abortion and Send Revival.