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Home » America the Beautiful – Celebrating America and All She Has Become; Independence Day

America the Beautiful – Celebrating America and All She Has Become; Independence Day

Courtesy of Steve Collender/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!  Greg, Pat and John celebrate this 4th of July by looking at the journey of America and the significance of this moment. The founding fathers of America took the time to write the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence absolving their political ties from another. The founding fathers understood that the rights of a people come not from a government, or man, but only from God. America only works if we lay down our lives for God. By Rediscovering the Declaration of Independence, it will help us to live by its values. Enjoy this discussion as they share how, like our founding fathers, we can stand amidst adversity, for life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, Dutch Sheets, Israel, Sgt. Tahmooressi, The Green Family, Hobby Lobby, Rodney Howard Browne, Anne Graham, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, and America.


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