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Home » Malaysian Airline Reportedly Shot down over Ukraine, No Survivors: Are Russian Rebels behind this?

Malaysian Airline Reportedly Shot down over Ukraine, No Survivors: Are Russian Rebels behind this?

Courtesy of Sorbis/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve talk about the recent tragedies that occurred on the border of Ukraine and Russia and the 295 lives that were lost in the downed aircraft. President Obama responded by saying, “Right now, we’re working to determine if there were American citizens on board. That is our first priority….the United States will offer any assistance we can to determine what happened and why.” The events of this travesty changes the dynamics of the conflict in Ukraine. Many questions are being raised in light of these events. Who was it that actually fired at this airline? Who is responsible for the downing of the plane? How will this affect the coming events of what is happening on the border. If there has ever been a time to pray and seek the Lord, the time is now. Block out a specific time in your schedule and abide with the Lord seeking His face. Find out the details of what is being released, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: CBN, Ukraine, Russia, abiding, DNA, and prayer.



No Survivors after Malaysian Jet Reportedly Shot Down

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