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Home » Prophetic Fulfillment? “The Bear Awakens” Israel, Russia, Oil, Ukraine, Jerusalem, Radical Islam and Mecca

Prophetic Fulfillment? “The Bear Awakens” Israel, Russia, Oil, Ukraine, Jerusalem, Radical Islam and Mecca

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LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John share how seemingly a prophetic convergence is occurring and being written about in the headlines regarding Israel and end times.  Is Russia using world events? They prophetically are facilitating to raise oil to help their national economic crisis.  Jim Bakker and John Paul Jackson prophetically say that nuclear material will be found in the valley. Is the fulfillment of the prophetic word spoken by Ezekiel about to occur which says it will take seven months to bury the dead and seven years to burn the weapons of Israel’s enemies who attack Israel?  Will the best of times for the church seemingly be coming in conjunction with the worst of times in the nations?  Also shared in this segment: John Paul Jackson, the Perfect Storm, Washington D.C., oil prices, nuclear attacks, Hezbollah, Congress, China, radical Islam and riots.


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