LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat and John continue to discuss Kim Clement’s recent prophetic word as they detail this second part regarding the coming events in America. Kim Clement shares how it was God that dreamed up the idea of the nation of America. He dreamed of a land that would fight for freedom, mankind, and equality. America was once the candle on a hill, but that light has since been covered up. Clement said what the Lord revealed to him regarding America, “Yes I will restore you, this light will shine again, so that the world may know who I am.” There are those who are crying out for a Third Great Awakening and God is hearing our prayers and He is responding. Be lifted up as you hear the plans that God has for the nation of America, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Original Intent of America, Original Intent for the Church, darkness, the blood of Jesus Christ, mercy, grace, and prophecy.
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