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Home » Protecting the “SKIN”- BORDERS of America: Radical Islamist Taking Advantage of Border Crises-Their Aim is our Demise

Protecting the “SKIN”- BORDERS of America: Radical Islamist Taking Advantage of Border Crises-Their Aim is our Demise

 Courtesy of Paul  James Steidl/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John share how each of us have bodies that come with a layer of skin that protects things from coming into our systems. It is this layer of skin that keeps harmful realities like staph infections, or sicknesses from coming in. There is nothing wrong with evaluating a pill or food before allowing it to enter your body. Imagine America as a human body. Right now there are diseases crossing over the borders of America that have not been seen since the 1950s. Laws have been enacted, not to harm people, but to protect them. It seems as if the only people being held to this standard are not those in Washington, but the people of America.  Everyone in America came over from other countries.  Amidst these constant changing crises, find out how to respond, where your attention needs to be, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: diseases, infections, human body, MS13, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., DNA, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, ISIS, and Saul Alinksy.


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