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Home » VFNRadio First Hour July 31, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour July 31, 2014




Secretary of State John Kerry about to push the Reset Button in the Middle East?  Does that mean bad news for Israel?
 Greg, Pat, and John continue the discussion of the events that are taking place in Israel on the Gaza border. Prophetic words have been shared about Secretary of State John Kerry’s communications with Israel and how the outcome for Jews and Christians does not end well. Secretary Kerry has threatened Israel with a third Intifada, urging Israel to have peace talks with Gaza. During this time, Israel was aware that tunnels were being dug underground for the purpose of terrorist actions against the peace of Israel. If Prime Minister Netanyahu was aware of these tunnels, then America was aware. All that is happening is simply screaming,” Alinsky Tactics!”. God can speak to every party involved. There are specific instances in the Bible that account how God can cause good outcomes in any situation. Amidst the confusion in the headlines, be encouraged as you get more clarity regarding what is happening in Israel, and so much more.  Also shared in this segment: Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Israel, Intifada, Benghazi, terrorism, and Hamas.

His Picture Before He was Killed!  Israel Defense Force Staff Sgt. Aida Bria hugs girlfriend not knowing that would be the last time and last picture together

 Greg, Pat, and John share an inside personal event of the tragedies that are taking place within Israel, within the IDF. IDF Staff Sergeant Adi Briga was leaving Israel and headed for operations in the Gaza Strip. Before SSgt Briga was to leave for operations, he took time to say good bye to his girlfriend, Yulia Sokolov. Divine timing allowed an Israeli reporter to catch the couple’s goodbyes. It was also this reporter who was assigned to Briga’s funeral that was to occur merely days later. Little did they know the place where they hugged was also the last moments SSgt Briga would be standing when he was killed from Hamas rocket fire from Gaza.

Tracing the event that led up to the conflicts between Israel and Hamas, America has a lot to do with what has happened. It is also important to remember that what is being seen and done by radical Islam does not mean this is every Muslim. Leaders of America have shared how things in the world “are getting scarier and scarier”. As the church, we must wake up to the realities that are taking place within the borders of Israel and upon the border of Israel. Keep your focus upon the Apple of God’s Eye, Israel, as you learn more of what’s happening, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Egypt, Mohammed Morsi, Zakkat, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Brigette Gabriel, Congressman Jeff Miller, and Israel.

Israel’s Protective Edge: “We didn’t just get here”: The Story Behind the Story of Gaza, Hamas, and Israel

 Greg, Pat, and John share the detailed timeline of events, created by AIPAC that have taken place within and around Israel that have brought us to what we are presently seeing. We didn’t just get here. In the recent years, Israel has launched multiple Operations in defense of Hamas continual rocket fire. What started as a division of Hamas and Fatah in the Gaza strip has “resulted in the dissolution of the unity government and the defacto division of the Palestinian territories into two entities, the West Bank governed by the Palestinian National Authority, and Gaza governed by Hamas.” More than four times as many rockets have been shot into Israel from January 2014 to July 8, 2014, than all of 2013. In these increasing times, as the church, we must stand with Israel and pray for Israel. Learn more of the significant events that have brought us to what we are currently seeing in Israel and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Israel, AIPAC, Hamas, Palestinian Authority, Operation Protective Edge, Fatah, Iran, and the Muslim Brotherhood.



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