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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour July 28, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour July 28, 2014



It’s Happening NOW Jews and Christians are being Persecuted many are losing their lives even by crucifixion: Will You Stand in Solidarity with Your Brothers?

John, Pat and Steve continue the conversation of the persecution of the church that is happening around the world. Currently Jews in France are leaving for fear of the rising hatred toward Jews.  In a CBN article, Jews are stating that a meal cannot be had without the topic of “shall we stay or shall we leave” coming up in conversation.  In January, demonstrators in France are declaring their hatred for Jews by shouting, “We don’t want the Jews” while marching and giving the Nazi salute. CBN reports, “There have been close to 8,000 anti-Semitic incidents in France since 2000 and every time Israel acts in self-defense against the Palestinians the danger increases.” As many as 5,000 Jews could leave France this year.  90% of Jews in France are concerned about anti-Semitism.  Christians are also being crucified in Northern Iraq. ISIS is giving Christians in the region 3 options, convert, pay the Jizya tax, or die. Christian homes and business are being painted with the letter, “N” for Nazarene or Christian by Islamists. As a response and a reminder of the Holocaust, many Christians have responded in unity and allegiance with the persecuted Christians in Mosul in their own way. Find out more of the realities of how the church is being persecuted, how others are standing up with the persecuted church, what you can do, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: France, CBN, ISIS, persecution, faith, Ramadan, anti-Semitism, and prayer.

What every Muslim needs to Here: Hear it Straight from Kamal Saleem
John, Pat and Steve share an exciting story from Kamal Saleem, once a Muslim, now a follower of Jesus Christ. As a young boy, he was raised by the teachings of the Koran, and told that he would one day be a martyr for Allah. He was sent to Muslim training camps to learn how to wage war. After being raised up in ‘cultural Jihad’ and sent to America to apply what he learned a sequence of events occurred that caused him to question his own faith. Find out this exciting story and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Jihad, faith, evangelism, witnessing, love, and salvation.
Technology Breaks the Language Barrier for Jesus: Reaching the Nations with One Phone, One App, and One Voice
 Steve, John, and Pat share an encouraging story of how a simple app was used to reach someone for Jesus Christ. Often times, we can let a language barrier or a cultural barrier limit us in our communications. Jesus said to GO! Into all the nations and make disciples.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit   -Matthew 28:19
We do not submit to technology, we must use technology to submit to us. Only a few generations ago, the gospel was duplicated on the printing press, carried on horseback, and it reached the nations. With all this technology, we have no excuse not to tell others about the Good News of Jesus Christ. Enjoy this delightful story as you’re encouraged of how to reach out to others, cross the lines of language and culture, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Google Translate, VFNtv App, evangelism, witnessing, and love.


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