You’ll Find More of God in your Interruptions if You Let Them
Steve, Greg, and Pat share in this abiding time how so many of the encounters that Jesus had with others was on the way to where He was going as He was passing through. It is at those moments of interruption when we have the biggest opportunity to love. Jesus never took a step outside of the pace of love. His ultimate destination was the Cross, and He never missed those to His left and right on way, those that He would later die for. If we do not love others, then we are moving outside of How Jesus walked. Be encouraged as they share how important it is for us to stay in a constant state of love, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: empathy, salvation, miracles, obedience, and witnessing.
”Guard Your Seeds for When the Conditions are Right, You Will See the Harvest”, says Rick Joyner in his book, The Harvest
Pat, Greg, and Steve share in this abiding moment how important it is to remember the seasons that must take place for the harvest to come. There are three distinct things that must come at the right time and the right amount: WATER, which is the word of God, HEAT which are the circumstances of our life that test us, and LIGHT which is the revelation we know comes from God. When we sow the seeds of the gospel into the lives of another, it is normal not to see an immediate harvest. It may not even be until the next generation until those seeds begin to bare a harvest. Sometimes, our purpose can be to protect and guard the seeds that have been sown. What farmer that sows seeds doesn’t expect a harvest. Also shared in this segment: discipleship, hardships, evangelism, witnessing, prayer, family, and relationship.
Learning How to Be a Wing man under the Protective Wings of God: Psalm 91
Greg, Pat and Steve share in this abiding moment the importance of abiding with the Lord and the effects for those who do. God will protect those that find their refuge in Him. It is God that protects us from the deadly pestilences. When a mother hen is with her chicks, she covers them in such a way that you cannot see them, you see only the mother hen’s feathers. Find out how you can be protected by the wings of the Lord, to find your shelter in Him, and so much more.
God’s Spirit Knows All, It’s up to us to Follow His Lead
Greg, Pat and Steve share in this exciting moment how the Holy Spirit was brought to the Gentiles, those that are not Jewish. We cannot forget that Jesus was Jewish, the disciples were Jewish, and at the birthing of the church in Acts 2, they were Jewish. Can we truly let go and trust the leadership of God’s Spirit in our lives? Cornelius and Peter did. It was because of their obedience to the voice of the Lord and their continual response to God amidst their lack of understanding of what God was doing that, those who are not Jewish are able to encounter God’s Holy Spirit even today! In this segment, you will finally find the answer to this question, “How did it come to the place from where it was when the Holy Spirit paved the way for letting man into the Church and are now closing the door to the knowledge of Him in their lives and ‘churches’?” The Holy Spirit let them in, but now they won’t let the Holy Spirit in. Allow these testimonies of what God did powerfully stir your faith to step out in boldness and believe God to do powerful miracles in your own life, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: obedience, visions, faith, hope, baptism of the Holy Spirit, prayer, and testimonies of God.