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Home » WAIT FOR THE PROMISE!!! Jesus said and The solution for America’s present struggle with darkness is “a second Azusa Street Revival,” South African Pastor

WAIT FOR THE PROMISE!!! Jesus said and The solution for America’s present struggle with darkness is “a second Azusa Street Revival,” South African Pastor

Courtesy of phloxii/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John gives and exciting overview of an in depth teaching on The Promise Jesus told us to WAIT FOR! “If America’s light goes out that the whole world will be dark.”  A South African pastor tells Greg while he was on a sabbatical seeking direction from the Lord.  This South African Pastor goes on to say the solution for America’s present struggle with darkness is “a second Azusa Street Revival.”   Before Jesus left the earth He gave specific instructions that He gave to His disciples, Wait for The Promise! By looking through the journey of events that the Church carried out in the book of Acts, we can clearly see what can happen, and what should happen when in our lives are relating to the Holy Spirit.

By becoming a partner gives you access to all of the teachings within this series:

1. The Promise: Crank It Up a Notch God! Ask for Boldness in Times of Persecution

2. The Promise: Wait for the Promise of Our Father; POWER to do His WILL and to do all Jesus did

3. The Promise: The Explanation of the Promise; Holy Spirit

4. The Promise: Salvation, Man’s Vision of Hell & the Wrath of God

5. The Promise: Dangers of Denial or Rejecting

6. The Promise: Just Like Us

7. The Promise: What Baptism Did You Receive?

8. The Promise: The Blessing of Shameless Audacity

9. The Promise: The Sin of Simon; The Lust for Power

10. The Promise: The Spirit of The Lord is Upon Me

11. The Promise: The Role of The Holy Spirit

12. The Promise: A Controlled Burn

13. The Promise: With it Persecution 



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This Post UPDATED March 12, 2016


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