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Home » Religious Spirit: Uncovering, Exposing and Overcoming this Deceptive spirit -part 1

Religious Spirit: Uncovering, Exposing and Overcoming this Deceptive spirit -part 1

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LISTEN NOW! WATCH!John, Pat, and Steve have an encouraging conversation about the truths and realities of a religious spirit. Often times, many have shared after walking with the Lord, it’s time to get into the “deeper things of God” in the letter to the churches written by Paul. We must not forget that there is nothing deeper than the letters in red, the words of Jesus. When looking at the gospels, in particular, the book of Matthew, over 1/3 of the encounters that Jesus had, were with Pharisees. Often times, we can read the words of Jesus and think about how applicable these teachings are to somebody else’s life, all the while forgetting to ask ourselves, “God are you speaking to me?” or “God, how does this apply to my life?”  A religious spirit is so deceptively deceiving that it causes us to be blind to these realities in our own lives, and looking only in the lives of others. Regardless how the outside of our lives may appear to others, God sees our hearts.

A religious spirit has a focus upon the things of the law and the ability to simply observe and know the law. It’s important not to become the ones who know the scriptures that only apply to the law and then apply them to others. This is the critical and judgmental ways that the Pharisees walked in. We can either focus on the law, or we can focus on the finished work of Jesus Christ and the Cross. Be encouraged as you get an insightful understanding of what causes a religious spirit, how Jesus responded to it, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Pharisees, the Law, adultery, planks, cups, The Holy Spirit, works, and humility.


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