LISTEN NOW! WATCH! John, Pat and Steve share about the recent news of the 6.0 earthquake that shook California’s Central city of Napa and the surrounding areas. Over 100 have been injured but miraculously there have been no deaths because of the earthquake. Residents in the surrounding areas were awakened out of their sleep with the lengthened shakings for 10-20 seconds.
As the foundations under our feet are increasingly shaking, today we can begin right by building our lives on what cannot be shaken, Jesus Christ. If we put our hope in anything other than God we will be disappointed. Disregarding the words and teachings of Jesus Christ is like building our homes (our lives) on sand. Find out how you can have a solid foundation in your life whether you face natural disaster, a personal disaster, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ABC, crisis, foundations, natural disaster, Napa Valley, Rick Joyner, John Paul Jackson, Perfect Storm, and prayer.
Special Bulletin: Japanese Earthquake, A Prophetic Demarcation in Time-6 Parts
1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
1906 San Francisco earthquake
The Perfect Storm Prophecy- John Paul Jackson
In the day of Disaster, Calamity, Uncertainty and STORMS
Sudden Disasters Where do they Come from and Why they Come
WATCH! The Perfect Storm Update – John Paul Jackson