Israel, Cease Fire for Now; Is this the Calm before the Storm? Will Radical Jihadist Unite to Come against Israel?
John, Pat, and Steve continue the conversation about Israel and Operation Protective Edge. Another cease fire has come about in the conflict. Reactions to the cease fire are having differing reactions. “54% of Israelis believe there was no clear winner after this summer’s war.” It is important to remember that we are in the midst of the eighteen month span of the 4 Blood Moons. In light of these events and the rising tragedies from ISIS, another terrorism group is on the scene as well, Boko Haram. Two-hundred girls were kidnapped by this terrorist organization. There have been actions to stop the intimidating and outright cruel acts of this organization. Stephen Davis, an amateur peacemaker, in his own words, has taken actions on his own in response to these atrocities. Because of his efforts, 4 of the kidnapped girls were able to find safety and be rescued. Multiple terrorist organizations are continuing to move and gain strength across the world. Every one of these would want to wipe Israel off of the map. As the church, we must continue to pray. We must intercede for the nation of Israel, for the people of Israel, and for the leadership of Israel. Learn more of the details of what is happening regarding Israel, those that are against Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: dreams, Boko Haram, Iran, 4 Blood Moons, ceasefires, Hamas, Egypt, and prayer.
“I spent 8 hours in Heaven” says Rick Joyner – Shown the Key to Eternal Joy
John, Pat, and Steve share about an upcoming conference put on by Rick Joyner, “The Harvest Summit”. Rick Joyner has had multiple prophetic encounters in his life. From these encounters have come multiple books, such as The Final Quest and The Harvest. The words that were written in these books, some more than 25 years ago, are coming to pass today. In light of these truths, Rick Joyner shares how he looks forward to sharing how he “spent 8 hours in heaven”, in this upcoming summit October 16-18. He continues to share how the world is about to go through Hell. But, those who know their God will do great exploits for Him. Be encouraged as you hear about what God is doing and saying in preparation for the end time harvest, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophesy, The Final Quest, The Harvest, the end times, and salvation.
Kid President: A Letter to a Baby on the First Day Here; Humor
John, Pat, and Steve have a humorous conversation about a recent “pep talk” from the Kid President. In this moment of encouragement, Kid President shares what he would say to someone on their birth day, their first day in the world and what to expect in life. From love, to hate, to friends, and of course corndogs, you will enjoy a heartfelt laugh, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: humor, Kid President, corndogs, breathing, bullhorns, and love.
Religious Spirit: Uncovering, Exposing and Overcoming this Deceptive spirit
John, Pat, and Steve have an encouraging conversation about the truths and realities of a religious spirit. Often times, many have shared after walking with the Lord, it’s time to get into the “deeper things of God” in the letter to the churches written by Paul. We must not forget that there is nothing deeper than the letters in red, the words of Jesus. When looking at the gospels, in particular, the book of Matthew, over 1/3 of the encounters that Jesus had, were with Pharisees. Often times, we can read the words of Jesus and think about how applicable these teachings are to somebody else’slife, all the while forgetting to ask ourselves, “God are you speaking to me?” or “God, how does this apply to my life?” A religious spirit is so deceptively deceiving that it causes us to be blind to these realities in our own lives, and looking only in the lives of others. Regardless how the outside of our lives may appear to others, God sees our hearts.
A religious spirit has a focus upon the things of the law and the ability to simply observe and know the law. It’s important not to become the ones who know the scriptures that only apply to the law and then apply them to others. This is the critical and judgmental ways that the Pharisees walked in. We can either focus on the law, or we can focus on the finished work of Jesus Christ and the Cross. Be encouraged as you get an insightful understanding of what causes a religious spirit, how Jesus responded to it, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Pharisees, the Law, adultery, planks, cups, The Holy Spirit, works, and humility.