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Home » VFNRadio First Hour August 11, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour August 11, 2014



Attorney Alan Dershowitz Debunks the notion that Gaza is the Most Populated place in the World


 John, Pat, and Steve share some recent discoveries about Gaza. It has been shared that Gaza is the most densely populated area in the Middle East, and possibly in the world as well. In specific areas within Gaza, this may be true. According to Attorney Alan Dershowitz, amidst the densely populated areas within Gaza, there are significant rural areas within Gaza as well. Taking into consideration these realities, Dershowitz brings to light some questions that make you go, “hmmmmm.” Expand your understanding of what is occurring on Israel’s border with Gaza, how the church can pray, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Hamas, media strategy, criminals, police officers, United Nations, casualties, and Israeli Defense Forces.


11 Things You Need to Know About Hamas; the Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs


 In this discussion, John, Pat and Steve share some staggering realities regarding the terrorist organization, Hamas that many may not be aware of. Some may not realize, since 2002 Hamas has been listed as a terrorist entity, in CANADA. The Prime Minister of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, mourned the death of Osama Bin Laden. Hamas is devoted to the killing of Jews and rejects peace.  As the church, we must pray for Israel; we must stand with Israel. Increase your understanding of this gross evil that is bent on destroying Israel, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: terrorism, Hamas, jihad, Palestinian Society, and prayer. 


ISIS Torturing Christians: Iraqi’s and Christians Seeking Refuge on Sinjar Mountain: We MUST Not Remain Silent

John, Pat, and Steve continue to discuss the persecution that Iraqi Christians are undergoing in the Northern region of Iraq. After fleeing the terrorist acts of ISIS, thousands are fleeing and finding safety in the Sinjar Mountains, amidst the Iraqi August sun. People are dying simply of dehydration with no ability to leave the mountainside for fear of the ISIS presence below. Amidst these tragedies, ISIS celebrates their takeover of a nearby dam that controls water sources that stretch all the way to Mosul. How did we arrive at such tragedies? We didn’t just get here. The church must not remain silent. It is these critical hours that we must remain vigilant and be global Christians crying out against tragedies like this that are happening against the body of Christ. Find more of the events in the Middle East, how to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ISIS, persecution, humanitarian aid, and prayer.



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