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Home » VFNRadio First Hour August 25, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour August 25, 2014



San Francisco Earthquake “Worst Earthquake in 25 years”


   John, Pat and Steve share about the recent news of the 6.0 earthquake that shook California’s Central city of Napa and the surrounding areas. Over 100 have been injured but miraculously there have been no deaths because of the earthquake. Residents in the surrounding areas were awakened out of their sleep with the lengthened shakings for 10-20 seconds.



There have been prophetic words regarding California and the increase of natural disaster and calamities that will be increasing across the globe. The days witnessed today are these days. Rick Joyner previously released a prophetic word regarding those praying about California, “Do not pray if you should go; pray if you should stay.”

As the foundations under our feet are increasingly shaking, today we can begin right by building our lives on what cannot be shaken, Jesus Christ. If we put our hope in anything other than God we will be disappointed. Disregarding the words and teachings of Jesus Christ is like building our homes (our lives) on sand. Find out how you can have a solid foundation in your life whether you face natural disaster, a personal disaster, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ABC, crisis, foundations, natural disaster, Napa Valley, Rick Joyner, John Paul Jackson, Perfect Storm, and prayer.


U.S. and the U.K. report British Born Rapper is main Suspect in the

Beheading of Journalist James Foley

   John, Pat and Steve continue the conversation about the devastating reality of American Journalist James Foley’s brutal murder. Reports have recently been made known that suspects are being strategically narrowed down. The person being highlighted is suspected London rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary as the executioner of James Foley. According to the “New York Daily News”, what is additionally surprising is Bary’s father, Abdel Abdul Bary, “an Egyptian militant who is facing terrorism charges in connection with Al Qaeda’s twin 1998 bombings at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people.”


In addition, fellow captives of James Foley share about a letter that James wrote to family back home. According to the Facebook group, “Free James Foley, he asked fellow hostages to commit portions of his letter to memory, in order to keep the message to arrive safely to loved ones back home. James talks about specific memories with family and future plans upon his release. Reading his letter will absolutely touch your heart. “I know you are thinking of me and praying for me. And I am so thankful. I feel you all especially when I pray. I pray for you to stay strong and to believe. I really feel I can touch you even in this darkness when I pray.”


Amidst such a tragedy, as the Church it is important for us to continue to pray; that everyone being held captive for their faith in Christ, to be released. You can read the entire letter James wrote, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: ISIS, terrorism, acts of war, golf, Saeed Abedini, Miriam Ibrahim, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, and President Obama.


The Power of Hope

   John, Pat and Steve share how critical it is for us not only to have hope in these challenging and difficult days, but we must also have our hope accurately placed, in Jesus Christ. Having hope is having the expectation that something is going to happen. Bad things happen in life. But, we must not fixate our thoughts on bad memories, tragedies or happenings; doing so causes anxiety, fear, and ultimately misery. Sometimes, we can also misplace our hope; whether it is in a job, or a relationship. Regardless of what type of disaster you are facing, whether natural or personal, be encouraged as you find out how to accurately place your hope in the One who came to give you hope, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: vacation, traffic tickets, disaster, thoughts, and hope.



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