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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour August 4, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour August 4, 2014



Congressional Prayer Caucus- Restoring our Nation’s Motto; In God We Trust


In this encouraging segment, John, Pat and Steve share about what is happening in America’s Capitol, within the halls of Congress. The Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation is pushing for the replacement of “In God We Trust” to be placed back as the National Motto of America. Made of 100 members of Congress, those who are a part are taking time to seek the face of God, “leaving political labels at the door”, and seeking the wisdom of God for every bill and meeting. It is important to remember, that the rights of Americans do not come from the generosity of the state, but by the hand of God.  


“The true source of power is not found the halls of Congress, or the chambers of the Supreme Court, or the West Wing of the White House, but it’s found in the power of prayer.”         -North Carolina Congressman Mike McIntyre


Amidst the tragedies happening in America, be encouraged as you hear about the remnant of those who not only acknowledge God, but those governmental leaders who are seeking His face, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Congressional Pray Caucus Foundation, Room 219, remnant, the Constitution, and prayer.


Seeking Jesus in Times of Crisis


Steve, John, and Pat share an insightful look at some of the crises that some of us may face. Many can relate to that moment when we’re halfway to where we’re going, and we realize we left our phone. STOP! We can’t go any further until we fix this! During such a significant event as a wedding, there are so many intricate parts that need to come together to bring about this day of perfection. What happens if the photographer doesn’t show up, or the florist hasn’t arrived? STOP! We can’t continue on until the matter is resolved. WE HAVE A CRISIS ON OUR HANDS! A similar occurrence comes to pass in the book of John. Jesus and His disciples are attending a wedding when the news that there is no more wine is made known. Because of the obedience of those who were walking with Jesus, and their response to the words of Jesus, the crisis was averted. The current state of the church can no more be described as a crisis. “STOP! DO SOMETHING!” one would say. It is up to those who are walking with Jesus, the Church, who know Jesus’ voice, to respond in obedience to His commands. The wine that God has set aside for these last days is greater than what was poured out during The Great Awakenings, The Azusa Street Revival, and many others. Responding to the crisis of the present state of the church, or even your own crisis, relies on the simple response to the words and commands of Jesus. Find out how you can respond during these trying days, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prayer, obedience, the Glory of God, Brownsville Revival, Jonathan Edwards, The Great Awakening, and the Holy Spirit. 


Christian in Theory or Christian in Reality; The Danger of one and the extreme Joy and Blessing of the other

John, Pat and Steve discuss the importance of who Jesus is in our lives. It is important to remember that to be a Christian is to be Christ-like. Jesus gave us the command to go into all the world and make disciples. In our present culture, there is so much media, reality TV, and technology. Being involved in technology or social media is connecting, in theory. But, it’s still not reality. Jesus didn’t call us to be a Christian, “in theory”; He calls us to follow Him. Living out a life that exemplifies Jesus can only be done by looking at the life of Jesus, and imitating Him. Find out how you can make that transition from Christian theory to Christian reality, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: repentance, sin, discipleship, the Vine, Jesus as Lord, and disciples.



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