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Home » BE PREPARED when you see Danger: Prudent Preparation

BE PREPARED when you see Danger: Prudent Preparation


LISTEN NOW! or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Greg, Pat and John share how to respond with the events that are taking place regarding Radical Islam and the growing threat towards America. Congresswoman Bachmann has stood up amidst national leaders regarding individuals’ ties with Radical Islam that caused great concern. Doing so brought criticism to Congresswoman Bachmann and significant unresponsiveness. In America, you can defend yourself. The 2nd Amendment provides the ability to defend yourself; constitutionally. It’s important to prepare now and be prepared when the unexpected occurs. Find out applicable ways to defend yourself, to prepare, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Prudent Preparation, 9/11 hijackings, Huma Abedin, Caliphate, FIFO, and basic needs. 
Courtesy of iQoncept/Shutterstock.com

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