In this great coming move of God, there will be great advancements of light as well as great advancements of darkness. It is important to remember that when there are victories for the Kingdom of God, Satan is not simply going to sit idly by and allow his kingdom to be lost. There will be great defeats but even greater victories for the Kingdom of God. Amidst this battle, there must be unity within the Body of Christ. Be greatly encouraged as you hear more details of the prophetic happenings that are to come to pass in the upcoming harvest, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: 1st Great Awakening, Dream, Vision, 2ndGreat Awakening, Azusa Street Revival, Brownsville Revival, Glory of God, testimonies, miracles, healings, signs, and wonders.
The Harvest- Rick Joyner
Harvest Fest October 16-18
First Great Awakening
Second Great Awakening
Azusa Street Revival
Welsh Revival
Brownsville Revival, Pensacola Outpouring History
Celebrating Evangelist Steve Hill’s Life and Ministry
Celebrating Black History Month: William Seymour Man of Prayer and Power
The World ON FIRE: The Welsh Revival and its Lessons for our Time – Rick Joyner
The Winter is Over! The Opportunity for a Third Great Awakening is Soon Upon Us: Dutch Sheets
Third Great Awakening Coming to America
Third Great Awakening is Coming: Question is- Will You be in it, Will You Be Touched by it when God comes to your Region?
“I spent 8 hours in Heaven” says Rick Joyner – Shown the Key to Eternal Joy
The World is About to Go Through Hell but We can be Walking Deeper into Heaven Each Day……says Rick Joyner