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Home » The Harvest- the Magnitude of the Harvest part 2 by Rick Joyner

The Harvest- the Magnitude of the Harvest part 2 by Rick Joyner

Courtesy of Serg64/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, and Steve continue the encouraging conversation about Rick Joyner’s book, The Harvest. There is a coming a move of God that is beyond our comprehension. There is a tidal wave of the Holy Spirit that no man can control. In the excitement and encouraging times that are ahead, the motives of the heart will be exposed. Only those who are truly moving for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, not their own, will be able to stand. Rick Joyner writes, “Those who are linked together by doctrine, those who gather to personalities, or who are motivated by a political spirit which seeks to unify around human alliances, will quickly be torn away. Only those who are by and through Jesus Christ alone will stand the pressure this harvest will bring upon the church.” Our souls are what we think, what we want, and what we feel. Our inner motives of our actions matter to God. In the intensity of this coming move of God, there is a time of rest that must be understood and taken. We cannot do this in our strength, nor can we do this without a time of rest.
While God is increasing His Presence and moving across the face of the Earth, touching hearts and minds, many will come to Christ, even those who presently are professing Christians. Currently, there are some calling themselves “Christians” who are not “followers of Christ”, they are not “disciples of Christ”.  Rick Joyner writes, “They were led to the church, to a personality, to a doctrine or emphasis, and in some cases even to a project.” Some are looking at Jesus as a way to life but not the Lord of their life. Be greatly encouraged as you learn more of what God is about to do across the face of the Earth, how to prepare and be ready, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: false converts, pressure, salvations, Welsh Revival, Rick Joyner, Evan Roberts, abiding, and Third Great Awakening.



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