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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour September 1, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour September 1, 2014




The Harvest: The Magnitude of the Harvest by Rick Joyner


   John, Pat and Steve have an encouraging conversation about Rick Joyner’s book, The Harvest. For a long time, parts of the Body of Christ have been praying for a Great Awakening to come again in the West, in America. What God is preparing to do across the Earth is greater than anything seen in the history of the church. It can be difficult to pray regarding such encouraging truths trying to imagine, “what does that even look like”. Rick Joyner’s prophetic words provide, “a grid”, for such events. “Meetings which begin spontaneously will stir entire cities, continuing until they fill the largest stadiums night after night. Previously popular sports events will be abandoned in many regions for lack of interest. “ In light of these encouraging images, it is important to remember, unlike past breakouts of the Holy Spirit, it will not be an individual man or woman leading this coming move of God, but the whole Body of Christ moving as God intended it to do. “Teenagers will be the backbone of the revival, and preteens will be some of the greatest evangelists…..some will actually take dominion over entire hospitals and mental institutions, healing every patient in them by laying hands on the building.”

In this great coming move of God, there will be great advancements of light as well as great advancements of darkness. It is important to remember that when there are victories for the Kingdom of God, Satan is not simply going to sit idly by and allow his kingdom to be lost. There will be great defeats but even greater victories for the Kingdom of God. Amidst this battle, there must be unity within the Body of Christ. Be greatly encouraged as you hear more details of the prophetic happenings that are to come to pass in the upcoming harvest, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: 1st Great Awakening, Dream, Vision, 2ndGreat Awakening, Azusa Street Revival, Brownsville Revival, Glory of God, testimonies, miracles, healings, signs, and wonders.



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