Greg, John and Pat discuss prophetic happenings as Greg shares a timely prophetic word; Our Guns are pointed toward Damascus,Syria while our hearts are turned away from God. They share that when you first get a prophetic word there are times you feel that you hope you are missing it because of the severity of the word and then as the word begins to settle you realize the great need for repentance and after some more time you just realize this is not good unless of course there is repentance. The key to receiving a prophetic word is faith but not just faith in God but also faith in the prophet. Greg continues to share how the Lord showed him over a year ago America as a large ship that was going over the proverbial cliff. The current state of America is one that exudes great pride. Imagine America as a ship or boat with many people all sticking an oar in the water trying to determine the direction in which they want to take the country; of course it goes nowhere. The scary thing about pride is that you don’t even know that you are about to be destroyed. As they continue to share we are reminded of the prophetic word Greg shared one year ago this week called (Hurricane Isaac a warning shot fired over the bow of America? ) (Listen Now or view post). Today as we look at Washington D.C. we are just seeing a reflection of the heart of America. You can’t criticize the mirror of America. This prophetic word was released during the same time that the RNC, when Republicans were holding their convention in South Florida as Hurricane Isaac hovered right over it resulting in delaying the start of the convention. At the same time shots were being fired by NYPD at the base of the Empire State building where citizens were hit and wounded. There is going to be death and calamity. God is warning but who is paying attention? How does America respond to a Hurricane named laughter (Isaac) that hovered over the Republican Convention? One month later Americans at the Democratic National Convention booed God and the acceptance of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. A vote was taken to fix what was excluded from the Democratic National Convention’s platform; God and the Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. After several attempts allowing delegates by confirming their vote with Yes or No each time the No’s were clearly louder than the Yes’s. When the measure was finally passed, Americans at the convention booed God. God is neither Republican nor Democrat, He is God. Once the agenda was complete Bishop Vashti McKenzie, Co-chair of the Credentials Committee, made the motion to adopt the credentials committee report which was moved and seconded and was adopted. They continue to share how God does nothing without first revealing it to his prophets Amos 3:7. However, the people must respond. Greg continues to share how military ships in particular those from the Unites States are all named and before their name you will always see the letters USS which stands for United States Ship. These ships as they travel throughout the oceans demonstrate the power of nations. Right now Israel’s enemies surround her as US ships have guns pointed in her direction aimed at Damascus, Syria. All of this is happening as today’s headlines read “Obama Faces Pressure to Make Case for Shot Across Bow Against Syria”. Guns are pointed toward Syria yet our hearts are turned away from God. President Obama was the one who empowered the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and it is being reported that it is the Muslim Brotherhood that is fighting against President Asaad in Syria. A group his father, Hafez al- Assad, had allegedly suppressed and killed many members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Even today the Muslim Brotherhood has influence that reaches the White House. According to CBN, “Before President Barack Obama departed for Israel earlier this year, he took time to consult with Mohamed Magid. Magid has reportedly become a trusted administration advisor on issues ranging from immigration to counterterrorism policy.” Mohamed’s organization Islamic Society of North America according to CBN reports, “internal Muslim Brotherhood documents, captured by the FBI, name ISNA as one of 29 American-Muslim organizations with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood”. They continue to discuss that when looking over time the context of dates are important as you can really see how multiple things were happening at the same time as tightly woven fabric. They discus that when Archduke Ferdinan was assassinated his death was the first step in WWI and as a result of the war came the League of Nations which later became the United Nations. President Woodrow Wilson went to war to fund big government and was the one responsible for the founding of the League of Nations. It is interesting to note that next year will mark 100 years of that war the same year of the expected 4 blood moons. What we are prophetically seeing is the groundwork being laid for who will be the next governor of American and for President Bill Clinton as the President of the World. Israel is completely surrounded by her enemies and America has guns pointed in her direction aimed at Damascus, Syria, Isaiah 17, and Ezekiel 12. In the end we will be judged for how we treat Israel, Joel 3. God will judge those who come against the apple of God’s eye. If we don’t humble ourselves we will be humbled. Our only hope is to abide daily with God, listen to his voice and do what he tells us to do.