LISTEN NOW! WATCH! Greg, Pat and John share the exciting news of a community that came to show their support of prayer in school and the community as they literally came together on the football field to pray. If parents are telling their children to stand for their faith, are we ourselves walking on to our respective fields boldly standing for Jesus, are we voices of faith in the workplace, to our neighbors? Be encouraged and see how powerful it is to see people coming together when they decide to no longer be silent, be bold voices for the Lord, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: faith, boldness, prayer, and school. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!
Hundreds gather for football-field prayer
Atheists’ Claims About Prayer and‘Salvation’ Led Hundreds to Converge on a High School Football Field to IssueThis Major Response
Student sent to Principal, Suspended…Wait for it: For saying GOD Bless You?
600 Students in one High School Bible Club
Army Lt Col Denied Access to child’s High School
VA Medical Center Pulls Curtain Over The Cross and Jesus in Chapel TO HIDE IT! reports Charisma Magazine – Veteran’s Administration
Public Prayer vs. Private Prayer: Why would God be more impressed and more likely to respond to a public prayer than to a private one?
Uh Yes We Should Pray Publicly!