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Home » PM Netanyahu responds to the White House’s Name Calling

PM Netanyahu responds to the White House’s Name Calling

Courtesy of ChameleonsEye/shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Amidst the chaos in the world, the White House has recently addressed PM Netanyahu in a not-so appealing way; rather offensively. On the heels of these events, PM Netanyahu has responded back. This is not the moment to ridicule another nation and Israel is not the nation to do so. This is Alinksy 101. The Middle East is being organized and right now America is attempting to organize Israel. This is not good. It is not for us to solely look at the leadership of America. What have we done as the church that has brought this about? Find out why this matters so much, how to respond, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Saul Alinksy, ridicule, Raheem Raza, Michele Bachmann, CBN, name calling, organizers, and humility.



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