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Home » Prophetic: Every Nation Divided Against itself will not Stand: Is Texas being Targeted? Is Texas the Strongman?

Prophetic: Every Nation Divided Against itself will not Stand: Is Texas being Targeted? Is Texas the Strongman?

 Courtesy of RonTech3000/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John continue the prophetic warning to the nation. Right now, what is being seen across the nation is very little response. There are righteous voices standing up for what is right. On the heels of these actions, the leadership of a nation is discrediting these very voices. Right now, the nation of America has never been more divided than it is right now. Jesus is very specific about those who are divided. Reportedly, Texas makes up 50% of the economy of America. Amidst 49 other states, this is a significant impact. Is it significant that the border crisis is happening in Texas and the Ebola presence first came to Texas? There is a choice that is being presented before the church. Find out the imperativeness for the church to respond in wisdom in this hour, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Japan, earthquakes, tornadoes, Hurricane Katrina, MS13, Bill Gates, corporations, 401 (k)’s, Rick Perry, Constitution, Kirk Cameron, social media, unity, and repentance. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!



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