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Home » U.S. State Department Name Calling Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu? Seriously?

U.S. State Department Name Calling Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu? Seriously?

Courtesy of mikhail/shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! WATCH! Throughout the past years of the Obama Administration, there have been continual actions towards the Middle East and Israel that have raised major concerns. Previously, President Obama stated that Israel should return to its 1967 borders. This would not only place Israel in an indefensible position, but prophetically, Chuck Pierce states that at that moment, America returned to as it was in 1967. This was an extremely turbulent year in our history: the year of the 2ndhighest number of casualties from the Vietnam War, President Kennedy assassination, assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., assassination of Robert Kennedy, and a nation in division. It is not only important that Israel remain with defensible borders but it is imperative. In a short 5 minute video, you will be educated, empowered, and informed as to how the mountain ridge, the Jordan Valley, the airspace and others are critical areas within Israel to defend itself. Amidst all of this, the Department of Homeland Security has heightened its security at governmental buildings. In a Fox News interview, Megyn Kelly brings some important realities and questions to what is taking place. Find out how to respond to what is taking place in Canada, Israel, America, how to react Biblically, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Atlantic, Jim Bakker, John Paul Jackson, nuclear weapons, Iran, Fox News, 1967 lines, Chuck Pierce, abortion, Roe v Wade, Vietnam war, and repentance.   Greg, Pat, and Steve shared during this segment. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!


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