The issues and events of radical Islam is something that is now known and well aware of for most Americans. Currently, the leadership of America has expressed multiple viewpoints about the issue. Clarity is one thing there has not been. After the recent shooting in Canada’s Parliament, the Prime Minister of Canada recognized it as an act of terror. In a recent CBN interview, President of the Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow, Raheel Raza shared a viewpoint towards these realities that is straightforward and clearly bold. In response to these actions, Raza has written an open letter to both Canada and the Muslim community. The term of “terrorism” appears to be avoided in America’s leadership. When Raza was asked what the consequences are of the political correctness in America, her response: “……it results in events like 9/11…..do you have to wait for 30,000 to be killed to call it terrorism?” She continues to state that the radicalization that is like the Ebola virus and should be treated as such. Her letter in response is direct and could raise concern without a deeper look at what the differences would be if such things were presented in America. Be
informed and encouraged as you listen to this clear interview, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Radical Islam, act of terrorism, Canada, Jizya, mosques, 1st amendment, constitution, sermons, and repentance. Greg, Pat, and Steve shared during this segment.