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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour October 3, 2014

VFNRadio Second Hour October 3, 2014



Psalms 83 is Coming Into Focus

    Greg, Pat, and Steve continue the conversation of a biblical perspective of what is happening in the Middle East. Recently Pastor John Kilpatrick, and the Church of His Presence delivered a 3 part teaching about this being Psalm 83 Coming Into Focus. We have to continue to pray for Israel. Amidst the increasing turmoil and pressure against Israel, God is about to show Himself mighty in such a way that there is no other way for the world to respond than to acknowledge God. Find out more of what this means for those who are Jewish, for those who are not, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophesy, Israel, Gentiles, and prayer.

We are Human Beings not Human Doings

    Greg, Pat, and Steve continue the encouraging the conversation about loving God and the book “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan. Many can understand the perspective of how a young student responds to the presence of the principal. You wouldn’t respond to the principal like one would with their classmate to the left or right. Often times, we can simply begin talking to God like to the people at our left or right without first understanding that He is to be revered and glorified. Even greater, God loves each and every one of us and desires to be with us and have a relationship with us.

God simply desires for us to be with Him than to just do something for Him. This life is the only opportunity for us to glorify Him. We do the most for God when we are at rest in Him, when we trust His leadership and plan for our life. Before we desire to do anything for Him, we should simply want to be with Him, and obey what He wants us to do. Be encouraged as you learn how to revitalize your time with the Lord, how to be fulfilled in His presence and plan for your life, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: the principal’s office, sunflowers, authorities, exhaustion, trust, love, obedience, and abiding.

Allowing the Holy Spirit to Intercede for You

   Greg, Pat and Steve share an exciting perspective amidst the increasing pressure and relentless happenings in the world: the Holy Spirit. Currently, there are more events happening across the face of the Earth that causes many to be overwhelmed just with thought of it all. Nations are at war, the borders of America are being flooded, disease is rising and spreading, Israel is constantly defending itself. What do you pray for? Where does one start? How do I pray? Often times, our words can be limited. But, that’s why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, to pray for us. Be encouraged as you find out how you can entrust the Holy Spirit to lead you in times as these, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: the Holy Spirit, prayer, James Foley, Liberia, and hope.

What Focusing on God Reveals in Yourself

    Greg, Pat and Steve continue the conversation about Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love. God is love and He calls us to love as He loves. We can only do this by being more and more like Him each day. In culture, there are so many things that seek to get in the way of love. We can overcome this by asking God to remove everything that hinders love. As we focus on God’s holiness and desiring to be more like Him, it causes us to see the pride in our own lives. Find out the importance of keeping your gaze upon God, how God responds to us, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: billboards, street signs, clouds, mountains, humility and pride.


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