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VFNtv Helping to Bring Biblical Perspective to Today’s News

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LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat and John share wisdom about how we can look at the news with a Biblical perspective. Currently, when news is shared, it is story after story with no context. It can all hit you at once; bombarded with tragedy, without any discussion. As you read this, there is increasing threats of terrorism, spreading disease in the world, disasters, issues in politics, etc. What do we do with all of this without any understanding? As the church, we don’t have to know everything. We need to know God. Amidst the calamities of the world, be encouraged as you learn how to find your peace, remain peaceful in the One who is Peace, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: squirrels, nuts, news, and tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and abiding.  WATCH FULL PROGRAM!


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