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Home » God spoke and Confirmed – Preparing Family for the Times that are Coming

God spoke and Confirmed – Preparing Family for the Times that are Coming

Courtesy of Brian A Jackson/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! How beautiful it is and thankful people are for a weatherman who shares the details of a coming storm that helps an entire city or state prepare for what is coming. When God speaks, He desires for us to share with others what is happening and what is coming. When disaster comes, there are people that are shocked, others continue doing what they usually do, their “routines”. When disasters do happen, it looks different for those who heard and prepared. The days of difficulty that are coming are not going to make sense if you don’t know that God loves you individually. Today is the day of salvation. You can be encouraged knowing that there is a purpose for what is taking place and what is approaching. Find out how others have responded and have heard as God’s truth has been shared, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prophetic words, dreams, visions, ABC, newscasters, oxygen mask, Donkey Kong, Duck Dynasty, and repentance. Greg, John and Pat shared in this segment.


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