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Home » God is raising up, new, News Sources, Prophetic News & Insight, Prophetic Word from Rick Joyner

God is raising up, new, News Sources, Prophetic News & Insight, Prophetic Word from Rick Joyner

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I don’t think our government is telling us the truth, the CDC isn’t. It’s bizarre. We’ve got to discern the truth, what is really happening. Not only can we not count on our government for provisions; that’s one of the first things we learned at Katrina, with all their good intentions and all their resources, they couldn’t get it to the people. Okay? I don’t think we can trust them for accurate information either. We’ve got to have our own source of information. We need to have other reliable sources for what is going on; and there are potentials for this to be developed. There are some major things going on in Christian, in Christianity today to develop sources of information that will be trustworthy, that will be accurate; and if they are not trustworthy, they will be covered as potential, ‘we’re hearing rumors of this or whatever’. But, it won’t be presented as news if it is just rumor. But, to get accurate information, I believe the Lord is raising up people to really do that, and you’re gonna see the world coming to the, to the Church for information, for light.



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