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Home » It Matters how We Represent Christ in the World today? Ask Iron Mike Tyson Former Boxing Heavy Weight Champion

It Matters how We Represent Christ in the World today? Ask Iron Mike Tyson Former Boxing Heavy Weight Champion

Courtesy of Angela Jones/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! When the President of the United States appoints an Ambassador of the United States to a specific country, that Ambassador does not represent that country, but instead, the United States. As sons and daughters in Christ, we are representing the Kingdom of God during our temporary stay on Earth. During an interview, Mike Tyson shares his own encounter on how a Christian affected his life. How we live our lives impacts those around us more than we may think. Francis of Assisi stated, “Preach the gospel always and when necessary use words”. Don’t lessen the reality of the power of the light of Jesus Christ that is within you. Find out the significance of how God designed you to be His Ambassador, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: character, lifestyle, choices, integrity, Mike Tyson, and evangelism. John, Pat and Steve shared in this segment. WATCH FULL PROGRAM!



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