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Home » VFNRadio First Hour December 1, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour December 1, 2014



Waiting on God Reveals Three Motives
Greg, John and Pat share about waiting on God and the three motives of the heart that are revealed when we wait.  They discuss how waiting on the Lord is not about sitting around but being productive serving while waiting on God.  Waiting on the Lord reveals our motives.  The first motive is whether this is satanic in nature.   The second motive is based on self; self -awareness, self- preservation, and or self-exaltation.  The third motive is the right motive and this of the Spirit of God.  When we wait on the Lord and our motives are based on the leading of the Spirit of God we have a peace and we are willing to do whatever God has called us to do for Him and for Him alone.  They continued to discuss how King Saul refused to wait on God’s timing and order and offered sacrifices something that was totally outside of the timing of God and King Saul’s authority.  Saul’s motives were about his preservation in the eyes of man.  They discussed the difference between Saul and Peter is that Peter waited and he made it all about Jesus.  When many of the disciples where leaving Jesus He turned to Peter and asked him if he was going to leave too and Peter said “to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life” John 6:68.   Isaiah 40:31 says “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
The Authority of the Believer and what Happens when the Church Prays
John, Pat, and Chris discuss the authority the believer has and what happens when the church prays.  Of all the things the disciples asked Jesus to teach them. They asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.  God empowers us with authority and prayer to transact kingdom business.  In Acts 12 we find Peter locked in prison and guarded by 16 guards because of Herod.  Herod has been persecuting the church to the point that he had already killed James.  However, John, Pat, and Chris continue to discuss how that the church was praying to God for Peter and God heard them and supernaturally led Peter out of prison by an angel.  God has given us power and authority to pray and see his kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. 



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