Stand in Agreement: Become VFNtv and Daily VFNRadio Program Sponsor Today
Greg, John, and Pat share the opportunity businesses all over the nation have and in particular those on the gulf coast who stand in agreement with VFNtv and the Daily VFNRadio program as a sponsor. They continue to share how it is our sponsors who partner with us that help make this program and network possible. They discuss how some sponsors have already decided that they are not just going to complain about the darkness in the land they are going to do something about it by becoming a sponsor and hanging their business shield with VFNtv and the daily VFNRadio program. They discuss how many feel the same way in regards to where this country is going as well as a deep desire for it to change its direction and if you do too, you can tell your customers that you and your business are partnering to bring a change back in this country through your sponsorship. They continue to share the great opportunity that is available for businesses that want to stand for God, Country and Israel and have their business recognized on the Gulf Coast all the way from Mississippi to Destin, Florida. They express their desire not only for businesses to partner with VFNtv and the Daily VFNRadio program but they also desire to partner with the business as well deepening the value of partnership. They further discuss their desire to see businesses on the gulf coast to be blessed as well as having a desire to encourage and inspire their employees. This is not just about acquiring sponsors for the sake of acquiring sponsors as this is a network that God is truly building. It’s about blessed businesses, blessed employees, sponsoring and partnering for true change that we can believe in on the Gulf Coast as God Blesses all of us for standing with God , Country, and Israel.
Faith that Takes the Land
John and Pat discuss the importance of having faith to take the land. God was bringing the Israelites to a place flowing with milk and honey, a land that was set apart for them by God. However, just because God has something for you doesn’t mean it is going to be wrapped up with colorful paper and handed to you. God requires that you step out in faith and grasp what he has prepared for you. Moses in Number’s 13 sent a delegation to go spy out the land and to report what they saw. Most came back giving a fearful report with the exception of Caleb who said we can take the Land. Where God is taking you requires faith and bold steps. It’s not about having blind faith but rather faith that is secure, faith in God’s word and on what he has said, currently saying, and what He has done. Let a faith filled spirit arise and take the land.
Don’t let Your Past Determine Your Future Service For God
Greg and Pat share that there is hope for everyone who have past failures, to be used of God. One example they share regarding this hope is about Saul before he got saved and became Apostle Paul. He persecuted the church even to the point of killing some believers. Yet when he met Jesus he had an encounter with God and that encounter led him into kingdom service. He was willing to go into cities and proclaim the gospel. They continue to share that many in the kingdom of God have not gone out into the harvest because of excuses of convenience, comfort and money. They challenge VFN Radio listeners to win cities for God. They share that they are looking for those who are willing to get free from the religious bondage and believe God to do what he says he can do. We are looking for a few who will stand up in this generation. Maybe you are called to be a part of Gideon’s Army, the weakest and least likely. Enlist and join the spiritual army of God. We have been preparing for you. We are looking for a few humble servants that understand that we need God. If that’s you join God’s spiritual army today.