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Home » VFNRadio First Hour December 26, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour December 26, 2014



Critical Thinking?
Greg, John and Pat discuss how important it is to think and to listen to others who don’t necessarily have the same position on matters that you do.  They continued to discuss how today everyone is in hurry and how technology is so advanced it doesn’t lead to people really thinking through things because there is an app for that.  They continue to encourage us not to push away from using our brains.
You can’t measure God’s Success by how man measures Success
Greg and Pat discuss how you can’t measure God’s success how man measures success.  God always has a plan.  He will allow your world to be shaken up so you can look up to Him.  Then He will begin to add things back to you one by one so you will know it all comes from Him.  They continue to discuss how kingdoms come and kingdoms go.  Joshua was used of God to take God’s people into the promise land and learn to trust God.  God’s word tell us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “ If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  How we change Washington is by changing our own hearts, which can only be done when we abide with God.
Hope for those Mourning Death and Tragedy: It’s not over
John, Pat and Steve have an insightful conversation on the tragedies of death and how we can be there for those going through the grieving of a lost loved one. During hardships as such as these, there is no better example than those who empathize and understand.  Six years ago Pastor Greg Laurie suffered the devastating reality that his son had died in a car accident. Through that season of mourning and how the Lord brought him through, he tells of his journey to others through a new movie, “Hurting Hearts”. In this movie, he shares how one can endure loss, testimonies from those have experienced devastating losses, and how we can be there for others. Learn how to respond and what do during those devastating moments, both in your life, in the lives of others, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Nick Vujicic, Jeremy Camp, tragedy, hardship, loss, death, suicide, and prayer.


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