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Home » VFNRadio First Hour December 5, 2014

VFNRadio First Hour December 5, 2014



Greg AND Pat’s Diving Excursion; OR Just Greg? HUMOR


    Jumping into the expanse of the ocean beginning a dive is a rush. On a particular ocean dive Greg shares how he enjoyed the sights, the warm water, and the cold water. The deeper you go suddenly you have the awareness, ‘sharks are watching me’. In this sudden thought of awareness, Greg looked to turn to his dive buddy and what he saw was just as surprising. Enjoy this humor moment as you hear the journey of the dive under the water, ABOVE the water, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: eardrums, sharks, dive knives, wreck diving, ropes, and humor.  Greg, Pat and Steve shared in this segment.


The Coming Tsunami of God’s Glory


   Hurricane Katrina brought waves of massive size that affected every single person it reached. Regardless of who or what you were, everyone was affected. Before a wave even comes, those who are looking for it such as surfers are watching attentively for the signs of the coming rising of swells. They begin to position their boards and thrust their arms and legs into the water to paddle themselves in the direction that will place them at the opportune spot of the wave. To a casual viewer, this doesn’t make much sense. But, to the surfer it does. There is coming a wave of God’s glory that is going to, like a wave washes and cleans the ocean, will wash and clean the hearts of mankind. Be deeply encouraged, allow Your faith to be stirred, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: paddles, surfing, dreams, visions, waves, tsunamis, Waveland, MS, Hurricane Katrina, and The Glory of God. Greg, Pat and Steve shared in this segment.


Is Life Getting Heavier and Heavier?


     In his book, The Torch and the Sword, Rick Joyner articulates a detailed vision given to him from the Lord. In one particular scene, Rick was walking with Jesus on the shore. He was given a magnificent torch. He couldn’t help but marvel at its beauty. The longer he gazed at the torch, he was surprised at how the torch became heavier and heavier. As Rick looked up, he noticed the distance between himself and Jesus. Jesus had continued walking down the beach. How often do each of us do the very same thing? God gives a beautiful addition in our lives. Whether it’s a new job, a company, a spouse, children, a ministry, and we focus on that which was given to us. The more we focus on that, the greater distance there is between where we are and where God is. Where we presently are and what we are presently focusing on could be the very reason why everything has gotten so heavy and become so difficult to carry. Be encouraged as you hear God’s original design, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: vapors, burps, water, stones, relationships, and abiding. Greg, Pat and Steve shared in this segment.


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